Though there is disagreement as to whether Buddhism is a religion in the traditional sense, at Serenity Sangha we do not see Buddhism as a religion in that it is non-theistic. In other words, there is no deity to worship. Rather it is a spiritual life path. Nor was the person of the Buddha other than a normal human being with the same challenges and struggles that we all face. We do not worship him. Rather we see him as a role model and brilliant teacher whose life and teachings we embrace and seek to emulate. He taught a philosophy of life. He offered a path to meet the human journey which promises reduced personal suffering and full engagement with life.
Because the practice of Buddhism is non-theistic, it is compatible with other theistic faith traditions. Many who embrace the Buddha's teachings do so in concert with their primary faith, be it Christian, Judaism, or Muslim. Others who practice Buddhism are agnostic or atheistic. All are welcome to avail themselves of the offerings at Serenity regardless of race, creed, color, or faith tradition.
Buddhism began with the life of its founder, Siddhartha Gautama, who was born sometime in the fifth century BCE in the foothills of the Himalayas, in what is now Nepal.
While we refer to Gautama as the Buddha, the word Buddha actually means “awakened one.” Gautama was not born with this title, but achieved it over the course of his lifetime. The Buddha is seen by Buddhists as an awakened human being who saw through to the reality of existence and taught others how to escape the suffering in this life.
For a more detailed introduction to Buddhist principles, please see the book recommendations in the Resources section of the website.